Description –
- Express your love for someone special by sending this beautiful 30 Yellow roses.This roses is the most preferred gift idea for any occasion.
- Bring a smile on your recipient’s face by sending these flowers online delivery in India through . We deliver flowers to India anytime anywhere.
- Gift flower cake chocolate teddy every special occasion ,Autumn Lotus – best online florist in gurgaon and cake sameday,midnight delivery through .Best florist in gurgaon,best flower shop in gurgaon,Send flowers online in gurugram,Send flowers online in gurgaon
Here are some answers that make flowers fresh long time . Ways to keep your bunch of flowers fresh.
- Need to put flower bouquet on normal water with vase .
- Need to put feed into bunch that just delivery .
- Don’t put flowers near ceiling fan just because roses heads sometimes droop over.
- Delivery Details :
- The Image is indicative in nature. Actual arrangement may vary city to city.
- Flowers may be delivered in fully bloomed, semi bloomed or buds stage.
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